ENS Widget

The easiest way to become a Digital Identity Provider, and sell ENS Names and Subnames from your website.

The ENS Widget is designed to support ENS Name and Subname registration, and allow anyone to seamlessly issue and sell both ENS Names and Subnames.

Namespace ENS Widget

Creating a new Widget

Once you create a new Widget and give it a name you'll see the following form. This form allows you to further customize what specifically you want to do with your Widget.

Widget Set up

Choosing Widget Type

Choosing the Widget Type

Choosing a widget type comes down to the fact of what specifically you want to sell. Currently, there are 4 different types you can choose from:

  1. All Names — all available Subnames, from all listed ENS Names on the Namespace platform from every ENS Name owner, will appear in the search and people will be able to mint them from the Widget.

  2. Owned Names — all available Subnames, from your listed ENS Names only, will appear in the search and people will be able to mint them from the Widget.

  3. Selected Names — all available Subnames, from the ENS Names you listed and selected, will appear in the search and people will be able to mint them from the Widget.

  4. Single Selected Name — all available Subnames, from only one ENS Name that you listed and selected, will appear in the search and people will be able to mint them from the Widget.

Selecting Names

If you opt for either option 3 or 4 outlined above, you'll be prompted to select the ENS Names you wish to add to the Widget. Only this selected Name(s) will be used for issuing Subnames.

Selecting ENS Names you want to issue Subnames from

Optional ENS Registration

You can optionally allow people to register 2nd level ENS Names from your Widget as well by turning on or off the "Allow ENS Name Registrations" toggle button.


Once you're happy with your setup, you can click update. You'll be prompted to sign the update, and the widget will then be updated with the latest changes and with your wallet completely gaslessly.

Integrate into your Website

Adding the Widget to your Website

Once you're done customizing and setting up your Widget, you can add it to your website and issue Subnames directly from there.

Last updated