GetMintDetails function
GetMintDetails function returns data with details about minting a single/specific subname under a listed ENS name.
Return Type
The Data returned from this function answers the questions:
What is the total price of minting a given subname
Is minter address allowed to mint a subname
Is minter address required to perform verification in order to mint a subname
canMint - specifies whether a minter address has permission to mint a subname, will be false in case the listing uses whitelist functionality and the minter address is not whitelisted
estimatedPrice - The price for minting a subname, set by listing owner
estimatedFee - The minting fee for minting a subname
validationErrors - If the subname cannot be minted, the validation errors will specify the reason. There could be different reasons, such as: 1. Listing has expired. 2. Minter is not whiteslited, 3. Minter doesn't have a required token in case listing uses token gated access etc.
requiresVerifiedMinter - Specifies whether a minter needs to provide an authentication token when minting a subname. This will be the case when listing uses Whitelist function, the minter address is whitelisted and therefore it needs to prove address ownership.
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