
GetListedName function

GetListedName function is used to returned an object representing listed name on Namespace platform. The Listing object can be used to perform other operations with a namespace client.


const listing = await NamespaceClient.getListedName("example.eth")

By default, the client will look for a name which is listed on Ethereum Mainnet network. If the name comes from Sepolia Testnet, we will have to specify chainId parameters.

const listing = await NamespaceClient.getListedName("example.eth",;

Return Type

The function returns a Listing interface, which contains the name metadata required for performing other supported operations

export interface Listing {
    label: string;
    fullName: string;
    node: string;
    network: "mainnet" | "sepolia";
    registryNetwork?: "base" | "baseSepolia"

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